The stories we live in shape the way we see the world. Paraphrase is about telling a new story. It is about creating lives of beauty and purpose because it is possible, even if sometimes it can sometimes feel like it is beyond us. Paraphrase is a retelling of our world. Scent as a reminder of the subtle beauty of the world.
For a number of reasons we had to change the name of our brand. When I started Libertine 10 years ago the name was a perfect representation of how I had felt personally and professionally. An indignant rebellion in the face of repressive norms. A snarky middle finger up at all the things I felt judgmental and seeking to stifle sensual exploration. We also had legal troubles caused by me rushing with a name that was never going to be possible to trademark.
For all these reasons we made the change from Libertine Fragrance to Paraphrase Perfume. It was a monumental 4 year process, mostly dealing with US trademark attorneys but the switch is finally completed.
Rather than being indignant and rebellious Paraphrase to be is about being on the other side of that fight. Of building, of practicing. I want to grow, empower and be a part of a community that feels the same way. I want to learn and grow with people that want slowness in their life. People that appreciate the richness of small tender moments. Time to enjoy and learn from our senses and in turn expand our world by expanding the detail we see in it.
I am so grateful to be looking forward at all that is possible with our new name, a stable place from which we can grow and bloom. Thank you for all of your support for our first ten years. We are excited to share this next period with you.